Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to build a Website? - Easy ways to make by Salem Hassan

Now Internet becomes the most used medium to find resources and information. It is also the best way to get your opinions and ideas out to the public. Over the years Internet get advanced and is now more popular than ever. Corporate businesses, college students, and even young kids are not only using the Internet to find what they need, but they also seize the opportunity to create and manage their own websites. Practically every person and business has a website out there, from their own domains to social media sites, such as Facebook and/or Myspace, so why not start your own? First step is to figure out what you want to get out there and go from there. Whether it be about you or something else, it can be anything you want it to be. After you figure it out, you can now think of a domain name for your website, and then either buy that domain name or use a free internet hosting site. The advantages of purchasing the domain name is just simply having only your name on the link rather than having your website redirected from a hosting site. Next step is to choose your keywords. The goal of choosing keywords is to build a table of keywords that can bring targeted traffic to your website. Start with general specific keywords relating to your website and then go on from there. Don't make your keywords too broad or else being picked out from millions of website will be next to impossible. Write down all the words and phrases that you think are related to your site and can be used by people when they search for your website. It's time to design your website. If you know how to write coding, that's great; if not then get someone to build your website for you. The best website is the most simple and easy to navigate. Don't worry about having the best LOOKING website. A site full of graphics will take a long time to load and if the user is impatient, they'll most likely go looking somewhere else. Your website design is a reflection of your services and its quality. After you have made your website, make sure you have everything that a user would need. Try being interactive by creating a blog, forum, or a message board for discussion, this will give your visitors something to look forward to and it may make your site stand out more. Keep your website updated on a regular basis, this way, your visitors will want to keep coming back to find out what's new


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